Explore projects
Jesper / trainbenchmark
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
René Schöne / racr-mquat
MIT LicenseCombination of Multi-Quality Auto-Tuning (MQuAT) and Reference Attribute Controlled Rewriting (RACR).
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OpenLicht / openhab-android
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated -
CeTI / ROS / ROS Packages / panda_mqtt_connector
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
rosi / framed
Eclipse Public License 2.0Full-fledged Role Modeling EDitor Software Product Line (FRaMED SPL) (Version 2.0)
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CeTI / ROS / ROS Java Packages / ROS Java Build Tools
Apache License 2.0Build tools for rosjava repositories.
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RosJava message definition and serialization artifact generators.
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Grasping & Manipulation of environment.
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JastAdd / Jastadd2
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseClone of https://bitbucket.org/jastadd/jastadd2 - With CI-built package
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JastAdd / ros3rag
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseRAG part of the use case of the paper "Incremental Causal Connection for Self-Adaptive Systems Based on Relational Reference Attribute Grammars"
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Backup the notes that you have in your CodiMD history to a local folder
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