Explore projects
CeTI / ROS / mpm4cps2020
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUse case of the paper "Connecting conceptual models using Relational Reference Attribute Grammars"
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CeTI / ROS / ROS Packages / panda_mqtt_connector
MIT LicenseArchived 0Updated -
Nikhil Ambardar / Ubuntu 18.04 Realtime Kernel
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseScripts to compile a patched x86_64 realtime kernel for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). Debian packages available as CI artifacts. This kernel is required to control a Panda robot.
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development version of erdal's repos. stripped down.
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development version of erdal's repos. stripped down.
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Nikhil Ambardar / panda_simulation
MIT Licensedevelopment version of erdal's repos. stripped down.
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A workspace to automatically deploy a panda simulation.
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A workspace to automatically deploy a panda simulation.
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JastAdd / Reusable Analysis
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Archived 0Updated
OpenLicht / AndroidSensorSharing
MIT LicenseConnecting smartphone and smartwatch exchanging sensor information.
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