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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.6.0
    49e5ac10 · Release 0.6.0 ·
    0.6.0 - 2018-08-08
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.5.0
      * **BREAKING** Fixes for MoveIt, improving robot performance:
        * Fixed joint velocity and acceleration limits in `joint_limits.yaml`
        * Use desired joint state for move group
      * **BREAKING** Updated joint limits in URDF
      * **BREAKING** Fixed velocity, acceleration and jerk limits in `franka_hw`
      * **BREAKING** Start `franka_gripper_node` when giving `load_gripper:=true` to `franka_control.launch`
      * Allow to configure rate limiting, filtering and internal controller in `franka_control_node`
      * **BREAKING** `FrankaHW::FrankaHW` takes additional parameters.
      * **BREAKING** Enabled rate limiting and low-pass filtering by default (`franka_control_node.yaml`)
      * Publish desired joint state in `/joint_state_desired`
      * Removed `effort_joint_trajectory_controller` from `default_controllers.yaml`
      * Fixed a bug when switching between controllers using the same `libfranka` interface
  • 0.5.0
    0.5.0 - 2018-06-28
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.4.0
      * **BREAKING** Updated URDF:
        * Adjusted maximum joint velocity
        * Updated axis 4 hard and soft limits
  • 0.4.1
    39a67a48 · Release 0.4.1 ·
    0.4.1 - 2018-06-21
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.3.0
      * Added some missing includes to `franka_hw`
      * Add support for commanding elbow in Cartesian pose and Cartesian velocity interfaces
  • 0.4.0
    42820ab4 · Release 0.4.0 ·
    0.4.0 - 2018-03-26
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.3.0
      * **BREAKING** Removed `arm_id` and default `robot_ip` from launchfiles
      * **BREAKING** Changed namespace of `franka_control` controller manager
      * **BREAKING** Changed behavior of `gripper_action` for compatibility with MoveIt
      * Changes in `panda_moveit_config`:
        * Updated joint limits from URDF
        * Removed `home` poses
        * Fixed fake execution
        * Add `load_gripper` argument (default: `true`) to `panda_moveit.launch`
        * Conditionally load controllers/SRDFs based on `load_gripper`
        * Add gripper controller configuration (requires running `franka_gripper_node`)
      * Added `mimic` tag for gripper fingers to URDF and fixed velocity limits
  • 0.3.0
    d29d459e · Release 0.3.0 ·
    0.3.0 - 2018-02-22
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.3.0
      * **BREAKING** Changed signatures in `franka_hw::FrankaModelHandle`
      * **BREAKING** Added epsilon parameters to `franka_gripper/Grasp` action
      * Added Collada meshes for Panda and Hand
      * Added missing dependencies to `panda_moveit_config` and `franka_example_controllers`
      * Fixed linker errors when building with `-DFranka_DIR` while an older version of
        `ros-kinetic-libfranka` is installed
      * Added gripper joint state publisher to `franka_visualization`
      * Moved `` example script to `franka_example_controllers`
  • 0.2.2
    7eeccf88 · Release 0.2.2 ·
    0.2.2 - 2018-01-31
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.2.0
      * Catkin-related fixes for `franka_example_controllers`
      * Added missing `<build_export_depend>` for `message_runtime`
  • 0.2.1
    a8ef4ce6 · Release 0.2.1 ·
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.2.0
      * Added missing dependency to `franka_example_controllers`
      * Lowered rotational gains for Cartesian impedance example controller
  • 0.2.0
    0.2.0 - 2018-01-29
    Requires `libfranka` >= 0.2.0
      * Added missing run-time dependencies to `franka_description` and `franka_control`
      * Added `tau_J_d`, `m_ee`, `F_x_Cee`, `I_ee`, `m_total`, `F_x_Ctotal`, `I_total`,
        `theta` and `dtheta` to `franka_msgs/FrankaState`
      * Added new errors to `franka_msgs/Errors`
      * Updated and improved examples in `franka_example_controllers`
      * Fixed includes for Eigen3 in `franka_example_controllers`
      * Fixed gripper state publishing in `franka_gripper_node`
  • 0.1.2
    e4ea8182 · Release version 0.1.2 ·
  • 0.1.1
    5177a6ff · Release version 0.1.1 ·
  • 0.1.0
    74db4f2b · Release version 0.1.0 ·
    0.1.0 - 2017-09-15
      * Initial release