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  • Florian Walch's avatar
    Merge pull request #113 in SWDEV/franka_ros from multi_panda_beta to develop · cd81fb7f
    Florian Walch authored
    * commit 'd7cd4473': (160 commits)
      removed default IP
      removed default IPs in dual example control launch
      removed robot ips from combined control yaml, ips mandatory in launch
      removed ending from ips in config
      remove const in header for pass by value params
      added robot ips in dual arm example control launch
      support robot ips as launch arg in combined control launch
      fixed typos, added copyright, fixed changelog
      fixed typo in doc string
      removed unused headers in control node
      added arm_id on error print when catchinh control exception
      use lock_guards for command and state acess
      removed saturateTorqueRate from combinable hw, set default cutoff freq to 1000
      removed unneccesary scripts
      added missing ip and fixed controllers arg
      more general combined launch file
      improved prints in resource_helpers
      fix for service lib in cmake
      removed unnecessary global statement in interactive marker
      franka 0.5 -> franka 0.7, fixed cmake for service lib
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